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What We Do

Ongoing Services

Wicker Park Bucktown SSA #33 uses taxpayer funding to provide supplemental services that go above and beyond essential services provided by the city of Chicago. These services include but are not limited to, the following.

Waste Less in WPB

SSA #33 contracts with WasteNot Compost to provide subsidized commercial composting services for pin-holding businesses within our Special Service Area boundaries. Click here to learn more about the program and how you can get involved!

Sidewalk Cleaning / Litter Abatement

SSA #33 contracts with Cleanslate to provide sidewalk litter removal and additional garbage receptacle servicing year-round.

Sidewalk Snow Removal

Christy Webber Landscapes provides supplemental snow removal and salting for sidewalks on Ashland Ave., Damen Ave., Division St., North Ave., Milwaukee Ave. Western Ave., and the Polish Triangle. Cleanslate provides supplemental snow removal for crosswalks. Please note, that this snow removal is intended to be a supplemental service in addition to all business owners, property owners, and tenants shoveling sidewalks in front of their buildings, as required by law.


SSA #33 provides and maintains landscaping throughout public areas in Wicker Park Bucktown. We work with Christy Webber Landscapes to maintain planters and flowerbeds along North Ave. & Division St. sidewalks. SSA #33's large orange "on-street" planters along Milwaukee Ave. are also planted and maintained by Christy Webber.


WPB SSA #33 is passionate about providing additional infrastructure to the neighborhood that promotes active transportation, "positive loitering" and keeping WPB clean & safe. Our street furniture inventory includes:

  • Over 130 orange "WPB Rides" Bike Racks
  • 35 Blue WPB Benches
  • 10 Blue Recycling Cans near the Milwaukee/Damen/North intersection
  • 95 "Traffic-Calming" Orange Planters in bump-outs along Milwaukee Ave.
  • 4 Orange Bicycle Pumps
  • An assortment of Cigarette Recycling Cans

Tree Care

SSA #33 contracts with Bartlett Tree Experts to care for and maintain our urban forest of over 1,700 trees.

Holiday Decorations & Lighting

SSA #33 provides Holiday Snowflakes decorations on light poles all around Wicker Park Bucktown from November to January. Holiday lighting in the Polish Triangle and other one-off installations are provided by Illuminight Holiday Lighting.

Street Banners

"Welcome" Banners and "Happy Holidays" banners at key entry points and intersections to Wicker Park Bucktown are maintained by Chicago Event Graphics.

Graffiti Abatement

Cleanslate provides essential graffiti removal in public spaces around the SSA between the months of March - December. If your storefront or windows were tagged or etched by graffiti, please consider applying to our Safety Rebate program, or email with an image of the graffiti and the address of the tagged building.

Rebate Programs

SSA #33 provides several rebate programs for safety measures and security. Learn more about our rebate programs here.

Community Grants

SSA funds can be used to sponsor public programs, events, initiatives, or services that demonstrate a measurable benefit to the community and foster community growth and development within the WPB SSA district. Learn more about the Community Grant Program and fill out an application here

Public Art

Wicker Park Bucktown is passionate about public art! Our SSA sponsors several arts initiatives and installations. Check out some of our favorites including the Hebru Brantley Mural, Lynn Basa's Worker Cottage Parklet or Ali Six's Butterfly Effect mural - all three pieces are clustered around the intersection of Milwaukee/Wood/Wolcott/Beach. Click here to learn more about our arts initiatives and figure out how you can become involved as an artist or host.

Annual Neighborhood Guide

The Wicker Park Bucktown Chamber of Commerce publishes and distributes the annual WPB Neighborhood Guide. This guide is distributed to concierge desks and businesses all over the city. Feel free to stop by the Wicker Park Bucktown Chamber of Commerce to pick up a copy or email us at to arrange a larger delivery. See the Neighborhood Guide here.

Legacy Business Recognition Program

Initiated in 2019, this program recognizes local businesses for their continuing service to the neighborhood to promote long-term retail business retention. All businesses in WPB SSA #33 open for 15 years or longer are eligible to receive a 5”x5” orange window cling to hang in their entryway. Over 90 clings were distributed beginning in 2019 and updated clings are distributed to businesses reaching milestone anniversaries in increments of 5 years (i.e. 20, 25, 30, etc.) on a rolling basis. Businesses do not need to be a member of the Chamber of Commerce to participate. Please reach out to for more information or to request your cling.