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Join the Chamber


When you join the WPB Chamber, you become a part of a network of experienced and like-minded individuals excited to see your business succeed.

We’re looking forward to working with you to create stronger local business. Please contact the Membership & Marketing Coordinator with any questions.

To view the many event sponsorship opportunities click here.

Sponsor Level Membership   
This level includes all the benefits of a business level membership         
Deliverable Value
Two Event Sponsorship
(1 Title)
(1 Presenting)
*excludes Wicker Park Fest*
Two Event Sponsorship
(1 Presenting) (1 Event)
*excludes Wicker Park Fest*
One Presenting Sponsorship 
*excludes Wicker Park Fest*
One Logo Sponsorship
*excludes Wicker Park Fest*
Table at one mixer    
Logo Inclusion with Sponsored EventMaterials    
per event
Dedicated Brand Social Media Posts with Promos on Instagram & Facebook   
$200 per event
Newsletter and Web 1 month Promo Ad    
$300per event
Daily IG and FB posts to combine 8K Followers for six months     
Weekly Side Bar Newsletter Ad for 1 year 
Home Page Brand Ad for 1 year    
  H2 PR*when applicable*    
per event

Business Level Membership    

Restaurant/ Bar
*with liquor license*
Business with
10+ Employees
Business with
1-9 Employees
 Cultural Venue
*special rate for art galleries, dance studios,
design studio, theaters &
non-profit organizations* 
Associate Membership
*reduced rate membership for current business members
adding a 2nd or 3rd business their membership*
Directory Listing    
Access to post events and promotions
on the Chamber website.    
Access to post job postings 
for your company
on the Chamber website.    
Complimentary RSVP's to
monthly mixer for you and
a guest    
Opportunity to host a mixer
Member Exclusive reduced pricing for event participation fees    
Reduced Rate Ad Opportunities 
on Website Newsletter & Neighborhood Guide    
Event inclusion in
weekly events newsletter    

Dues are paid every year from the date of sign up. Please contact the Membership & Marketing Coordinator if you have specific billing needs.

Festival Participation
Please note that to participate in Wicker Park Fest your full year of a business level membership (excludes Networking Memberships) must be paid before

your festival application will be processed & at least 1 month before festival applications are due.

A Note to Division St. Businesses
By joining both the Wicker Park Bucktown and West Town Chambers, membership at each Chamber will be reduced by 50%.
This is not applicable to sponsorship membership levels or Networking *ONLY AVAILABLE FOR BUSINESSES LOCATED ON DIVISION STREET*
these joint memberships must be submitted to both Membership Coordinators of both Chambers for approval.

A Note to Business on Western and Elston
By joining both the Wicker Park Bucktown and Logan Square Chamber of Commerce, membership at each Chamber will be reduced by 50%.
This is not applicable to sponsorship membership levels
or Networking

*ONLY AVAILABLE FOR BUSINESSES LOCATED ON Western between Division and Elston and businesses located on Elston between Ashland  and Western.* 
These joint memberships must be submitted to both Membership Coordinators of both Chambers for approval.